Goldy Living – Superhero Style

The world’s view of leadership is often referred to as a “man’s” job, and with this view on leadership comes a world with fewer women leading in the daily moments of their lives.  To me and the purpose of this blog is to redefine leadership among women and the world, because a Great Leader doesn’t create followers, they create more great leaders.

As women, God has given us powerful gifts of understanding, beauty, discernment, love, strength and many more powers that allow us the ability to be great leaders and create great leaders within our families, our careers, and our communities.

Leading where we are, in the season we are in, with the abilities we have, and knowledge we have right now. The courage this kind of leadership calls for isn’t easy; there are constant -daily and hourly – challenges to over come.  Some of the things we are challenged with are only overcome with superhero strength. The good news is, we have access to superhero strength through our trust and relationship with Christ, but it is the only way!  He has given us superhuman abilities, and we can choose, like any superhero, to use those gifts for good or for evil.  The pull of the devil and our sinful nature wages war on our minds, our attitudes, and our hearts. We need to silence the war within us by turning to Christ because only he can overcome the war and remind us of the role we have in this war against evil. God has entrusted people to us, and it’s our job to turn them to Him, encourage them to walk Jesus strong and to create strong leaders.

Our minds will be filled with lies from the devil – lies that leave us thinking we have to fight for/defend ourselves, that we don’t have what it takes, that no one sees us or appreciates us. But, think for a moment about a Superhero – they are usually unseen until they come to the rescue, they are the person behind the scenes keeping things in order and evil away, doing the ordinary day to do things (like Clark Kent) and in times of need, they sweep in and save the day.  As women, don’t we often feel like we are doing everything, sweeping in and ‘saving the day’ and then going back to being unseen?  Without great superheroes, there are only great villain and this world is already too full of great villains.

God has entrusted us our husbands, children, co-workers and they all face challenges all day long and need the comfort, encouragement, and hope that only you can provide for them.  As moms and wives, we can either be an additional villain in our families lives or we can be the hero – the warrior behind the scene who builds them up, encourage them to stand strong and battle the evil that attacks our minds and our self-worth. It’s time for us to step up and be the heroes this world and our families needs with our faith and trust in God. To be a Leader who brings up more leaders for God.

2 responses to “Goldy Living – Superhero Style”

  1. Agreed as moms we run out- rescue and run right back into the mundane.

  2. Stephanie Rintala Avatar
    Stephanie Rintala

    “Great leaders don’t create more followers, they create more leaders.” ABSOLUTELY!!!

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