growth mindset

  • 41. The Practices Required to Turn off Hurry

    As I read this book the Lord stirred in me that I wasn’t really all that good at time management.  I was good at not giving my time at all…. I can fit a lot into a day but do it gracefully, carefree, and peace-filled.  Floating on a cloud of grace and compassion and patience. …

  • 8 Ways to Teach our Kids Growth Mindset

    8 Ways to Teach our Kids Growth Mindset

    Sometimes I get the joy of being an assistant coach at my daughter’s basketball practice.  She wasn’t having much success getting her free throws to fall, so, I encouraged her to shoot them without jumping to see what happens. Well, you know how well our kids take direction from us…  She weakly and stubbornly ‘tried'( aka – didn’t…