
  • 45. Parenting – Character Development

    One of the things I have been less intentional about teaching my kids is character development. Mostly because I’m fumbling my way through it as I go. We are all told to have good character, but how much time is spent teaching it? I think this is the number one thing that should be taught…

  • 44. Parenting 1

    Today we talk about parenting! How to parent ourselves to be better parents to our children.

  • Be Aware and Join Up

    Be Aware and Join Up

    Awareness – it’s something I continue to tell my kids. Be aware of what Others are doing, be aware of what’s happening around you… They can get so distracted by the TV or their own desires they seem almost rude as they walk by me with my hands full and don’t offer to help or…

  • Parenting Tip From Genesis

    Parenting Tip From Genesis

    We all know the story of Cain and Abel.  It’s the first murder in the Bible, and its cause was jealousy, anger, and self-righteousness. Able gave God his first and best, Cain gave too,  but without much effort.  Ever see your children do the same?  Well, while reading this story, the other day verse 6-7…

  • Hello Obedience

    Hello Obedience

    There are a million things on my plate, but hey – let’s get a young and unruly horse – that’s a great idea! Well, it turns out that I have a lot to learn from my horse on how to be a better mom, a better wife, and a better Christian – Who knew. I think…

  • Sticking Power in Parenting

    There is something about a slogan that can stick with us for a lifetime like “what would you do for a Klondike bar” or “once you pop, you can’t stop – Pringles.”  But commercial slogans aren’t the only ones that have stuck with me. I also hear my dad saying “if you quit today you’ll quit…

  • Playground Wisdom

    Playground Wisdom

    The stories I hear from my girls about the stuff that happens on the playground angers me sometimes.  I hate that they are faced with nasty speaking kids, ridiculous drama, friend battles, the pull of people trying to convince them they aren’t enough and a list of challenges they aren’t sure how to overcome.  Seriously,…

  • Oh Joy

    Oh Joy

    Squeals of joy filled our house Christmas morning as the girls opened their gifts. It’s such a wonderful sound, those joyful squeals and giggles. It made me think about how much I want for them, that they would be filled with that kind of  joy always. Parenting is a rough business, we set rules and…

  • Our Family Behavior Chart

    If we want to learn how to landscape our yard, make a turkey or ham for a holiday or make the the best and healthiest dessert; we turn to Pinterest or the internet for directions, but when it comes to raising our children, we are less likely to google how to’s, tips, rules or read…